Loving God - Creating Hope - Changing Lives
Things you might want to know about the St. Paul's United Methodist Church (SPUMC):
Time of worship service: Our worship service begins at 10:15 AM and lasts about an hour. One of our greeters will offer you a bulletin (a program showing the format of the service) as you come into the building. We have a time of refreshments after the worship service.
We also offer a Zoom link for those desiring to attend via that platform. Contact the church for the link.
Visit our YouTube channel to see music and sermons from the worship service.
Dress code? Colorado couture - you'll find people in jeans & t-shirts or coat & tie and everything in between!
Parking: We have loads of available parking in our paved lot at the corner of Grinnell Avenue & Gillaspie Drive.
Handicapped accessibility: Our church building (including the sanctuary, fellowship hall, and the rest rooms) is accessible to those with wheelchairs or walkers.
Hearing loop has been installed! This technology is available to anyone, with or without hearing aids. If you do not have hearing aids, or if yours do not have T-coil, a loop receiver and headset are available for your use in the back of the sanctuary.
Need childcare? The nursery is located next to main restrooms near the main Sanctuary entrance. All volunteers are given background checks. A copy of the SPUMC Safe Sanctuary policy is available in the church office.
Children in worship: We LOVE children! Your children are always welcome in the worship service!!!
Music: We use two different hymn books - we like to sing! The United Methodist Hymnal (UMH) is used most weeks and The Faith We Sing (FWS).
In addition to singing by the congregation, we also enjoy a wealth of musical offerings to include an adult choir, a hand bell choir, and a much more! We enjoy singing by soloists, duets, trios, quartets, and other ensembles. During the summer months we enjoy offerings by guest musicians and members of the congregation willing to share their talents.
Potlucks: From time to time we gather to share good food and great companionship in the Franz Hall. Don't worry if you didn't bring something, there is ALWAYS plenty to go around!
Communion (sometimes called the Lord's Supper or the Eucharist): Usually celebrated on the first Sunday of the month. You are welcome to take part - The United Methodist Church practices open communion, meaning that this table is the Lord's and the SPUMC is the host. You are welcome just as you are!
Communion details: If you need to be served in the pew, we are glad to come to you. We have gluten-free alternatives to the bread we offer. Just ask the ushers or mention it to those serving communion.
Our serving methods for communion: Our custom is for the congregation to come forward to receive the bread from the pastor and then dip the bread in a chalice (a large cup) held by a server. We offer a gluten free wafer for those who desire this option.
Time of worship service: Our worship service begins at 10:15 AM and lasts about an hour. One of our greeters will offer you a bulletin (a program showing the format of the service) as you come into the building. We have a time of refreshments after the worship service.
We also offer a Zoom link for those desiring to attend via that platform. Contact the church for the link.
Visit our YouTube channel to see music and sermons from the worship service.
Dress code? Colorado couture - you'll find people in jeans & t-shirts or coat & tie and everything in between!
Parking: We have loads of available parking in our paved lot at the corner of Grinnell Avenue & Gillaspie Drive.
Handicapped accessibility: Our church building (including the sanctuary, fellowship hall, and the rest rooms) is accessible to those with wheelchairs or walkers.
Hearing loop has been installed! This technology is available to anyone, with or without hearing aids. If you do not have hearing aids, or if yours do not have T-coil, a loop receiver and headset are available for your use in the back of the sanctuary.
Need childcare? The nursery is located next to main restrooms near the main Sanctuary entrance. All volunteers are given background checks. A copy of the SPUMC Safe Sanctuary policy is available in the church office.
Children in worship: We LOVE children! Your children are always welcome in the worship service!!!
Music: We use two different hymn books - we like to sing! The United Methodist Hymnal (UMH) is used most weeks and The Faith We Sing (FWS).
In addition to singing by the congregation, we also enjoy a wealth of musical offerings to include an adult choir, a hand bell choir, and a much more! We enjoy singing by soloists, duets, trios, quartets, and other ensembles. During the summer months we enjoy offerings by guest musicians and members of the congregation willing to share their talents.
Potlucks: From time to time we gather to share good food and great companionship in the Franz Hall. Don't worry if you didn't bring something, there is ALWAYS plenty to go around!
Communion (sometimes called the Lord's Supper or the Eucharist): Usually celebrated on the first Sunday of the month. You are welcome to take part - The United Methodist Church practices open communion, meaning that this table is the Lord's and the SPUMC is the host. You are welcome just as you are!
Communion details: If you need to be served in the pew, we are glad to come to you. We have gluten-free alternatives to the bread we offer. Just ask the ushers or mention it to those serving communion.
Our serving methods for communion: Our custom is for the congregation to come forward to receive the bread from the pastor and then dip the bread in a chalice (a large cup) held by a server. We offer a gluten free wafer for those who desire this option.
St. Paul's United Methodist Church
4215 Grinnell Avenue
Boulder, Colorado 80305
Want more information? Look around this website, we've got lots and lots of good stuff to see.
For more information, contact the church at (303) 494-0615, by email, or through our Contact Us page.