Loving God - Creating Hope - Changing Lives
Social media policy
The following is an summation of a larger internal document.
St. Paul's United Methodist Church uses its church-based social media to build and enhance the church community. It is to be used to exchange information and ideas, announce upcoming church events, report on recent activities, and to be a timely source of information for our church family. It should be a venue to connect all the members of the church using the most up-to-date technology available to nearly everyone.*
The church office is charged with making every effort to ensure the church’s social media is not used for:
*Any files posted (or linked to) should be in portable document format (PDF).
The church office is charged with making every effort to ensure the church’s social media is not used for:
- finding fault or complaining about others
- supporting a political party or agenda
- advertising goods or services for personal gain
*Any files posted (or linked to) should be in portable document format (PDF).